They already work with us

Our Clients

They already work with us

Our Clients

Knowledge should be available everywhere

Support learning process of students and teachers

Online training instantly accessible


NATO has 72 schools and trains 82 nationalities with tens of thousands of students on an annual basis. Future Learning provides support for the NATO ILIAS environment and in building courses and learning content.


Bender offers an extensive portfolio of education and training in the field of Social Legislation and Care. The ILIAS learning environment managed by Future Learning is used to offer blended learning.

MCB Nederland BV

MCB offers an online campus with courses, training, and education in the field of metal knowledge for all internal employees, but also for schools. Also available internationally.

Digitizing learning and quality management system

Optimize learning outcomes of novice pilots

Learning environment as a marketing tool

Interfood BV

Interfood is a global supplier of dairy products. The high-quality knowledge and expertise in this area has been made available in an online quality management system. Future Learning manages the ILIAS system for this purpose.

UAE Air Force Air Defense Institute

Future Learning built and delivered for the United Arab Emirates Air Force in Dubai. It is an ILIAS environment and a connected multiplayer game for learning maps for pilots.


WhP uses the ILIAS platform as knowledge platform for marketing purposes. Future Learning helps WhP with the creation of Knowledge Content for the ILIAS Information and Work Cooperation platform.

Effective classroom education with blended learning

Every target group a suitable learning offer

Powerful blended learning platform

International defense organisation

Future Learning was asked to optimize and modernize the learning environment for this defense school. Also, to build a competency-based course curriculum, which this organisation can update, manage, and supplement itself.

Bunge Loders Croklaan

Bunge Loders Croklaan supplies high-quality vegetable oils worldwide. The learning environment managed by Future Learning contains all the self-developed learning material for every target group inside and outside the company.

ATS Applied Tech Systems

ATS provides many training courses and courses both nationally and internationally. The online learning platform is used for offering all teaching materials and also for exams and tests.

Blended learning in a modernized ILIAS environment

Getting volunteers smarter on their way

Online training, tracking and reporting

Important Dutch armed forces unit

This part of the armed forces is active at airports amongst others. It is important that the relatively young target group can learn quickly, also on site on mobile devices.

Stichting Lokale Fondsen

For Stichting Lokale Fondsen it was a challenge to train volunteers quickly and without high costs. Online learning offered the solution, on the ILIAS platform and with the support of Future Learning.

Training Response Network

The American police have a lot of young and new employees. These must be continuously tested and trained in order to be able to act safely and adequately in daily practice. An online platform has been offering the solution for years.

Restructuring training plan and start e-learning

Integrating e-learning within the HR ecosystem

E-learning product knowledge for good customer advice


Allnex uses e-learning to optimize the production process and safety training. In addition, for promoting product and production knowledge. Future Learning helps to realize this now and in the future.


Bartimeus uses e-learning to train existing and new employees, as well as volunteers. The learning environment is linked to the AFAS HR system. Future Learning has realized this bi-directional link. This link helps Bartimeus to support and automate the entire training process.

Bolton Adhesives

Bolton is an international brand with many well-known brands in the field of adhesives such as UHU. Future Learning has built an e-learning environment for Bolton for education and training of sales staff.

Customizable learning platform

Developing content within learning platform

Learning platform for the individual participant

Ewals Cargo Care

Ewals is an (inter)national transport and logistics company. The laws and regulations in this area are extensive and changing rapidly. In order to support the training and education also for staff on the road, Future Learning helped Ewals build an interactive learning environment that is also available on mobile.

Franciscus Gasthuis & Vlietland

In the healthcare sector, a lot of knowledge assurance and knowledge sharing takes place. Franciscus Gasthuis produces its own e-learning modules and makes them available via an LTI link. Future Learning has specially developed this LTI link.

IPV Training en Advies

IPV provides training and education for practical personal skills in technical industries. They do this with hybrid learning, a mixture of different learning forms. Future Learning provided the learning environment for IPV.

Multilingual learning platform for more interactive training

Learning electronic reporting through e-learning

All drivers the same modules in their own language

AeroTraining BVBA

AeroTraining provides training and education for infrared and thermal cameras used by police and military. Future Learning provides an online learning environment in the look & feel of Aerotraining and supports with the conversion of the learning materials.

Visveiling Urk

Future Learning provides Visveiling Urk with a learning environment for education and training on electronic logbooks for the fishing industry. This is done with online modules that can also be followed on board.

Van den Bosch Transporten

Van den Bosch transport and logistics has been using e-learning for many years to train employees including drivers. The regulations within this sector are increasing sharply, which means that the training need is high.

Knowledge should be available


NATO has 72 schools and trains 82 nationalities with tens of thousands of students on an annual basis. Future Learning provides support for the NATO ILIAS environment and in building courses and learning content.

Support learning process of students and


Bender offers an extensive portfolio of education and training in the field of Social Legislation and Care. The ILIAS learning environment managed by Future Learning is used to offer blended learning.

Online training instantly

MCB Nederland BV

MCB offers an online campus with courses, training, and education in the field of metal knowledge for all internal employees, but also for schools. Also available internationally.

Leer- en kwaliteits management
systeem digitaliseren

Interfood BV

Interfood is a global supplier of dairy products. The high-quality knowledge and expertise in this area has been made available in an online quality management system. Future Learning manages the ILIAS system for this purpose.

Optimize learning outcomes of novice pilots

Luchtmacht Arabische Emiraten

Future Learning built and delivered for the United Arab Emirates Air Force in Dubai. It is an ILIAS environment and a connected multiplayer game for learning maps for pilots.

Learning environment as a marketing


WhP uses the ILIAS platform as knowledge platform for marketing purposes. Future Learning helps WhP with the creation of Knowledge Content for the ILIAS Information and Work Cooperation platform.

Effective classroom education with blended learning

International defense organisation

Future Learning was asked to optimize and modernize the learning environment for this defense school. Also, to build a competency-based course curriculum, which this organisation can update, manage, and supplement itself.

Every target group a suitable learning

Bunge Loders Croklaan

Bunge Loders Croklaan supplies high-quality vegetable oils worldwide. The learning environment managed by Future Learning contains all the self-developed learning material for every target group inside and outside the company.

Powerful blended learning

ATS Applied Tech Systems

ATS provides many training courses and courses both nationally and internationally. The online learning platform is used for offering all teaching materials and also for exams and tests.

Blended learning in a modernized ILIAS environment

Important Dutch armed forces unit

This part of the armed forces is active at airports amongst others. It is important that the relatively young target group can learn quickly, also on site on mobile devices.

Getting volunteers smarter on their

Stichting Lokale Fondsen

For Stichting Lokale Fondsen it was a challenge to train volunteers quickly and without high costs. Online learning offered the solution, on the ILIAS platform and with the support of Future Learning.

Restructuring training plan and start


Allnex uses e-learning to optimize the production process and safety training. In addition, for promoting product and production knowledge. Future Learning helps to realize this now and in the future.

Integrating e-learning within the HR ecosystem


Bartimeus uses e-learning to train existing and new employees, as well as volunteers. The learning environment is linked to the AFAS HR system. Future Learning has realized this bi-directional link. This link helps Bartimeus to support and automate the entire training process.

E-learning product knowledge for good customer advice

Bolton Adhesives

Bolton is an international brand with many well-known brands in the field of adhesives such as UHU. Future Learning has built an e-learning environment for Bolton for education and training of sales staff.

Developing content within learning platform

Franciscus Gasthuis & Vlietland

In the healthcare sector, a lot of knowledge assurance and knowledge sharing takes place. Franciscus Gasthuis produces its own e-learning modules and makes them available via an LTI link. Future Learning has specially developed this LTI link.

Customizable learning

Ewals Cargo Care

Ewals is an (inter)national transport and logistics company. The laws and regulations in this area are extensive and changing rapidly. In order to support the training and education also for staff on the road, Future Learning helped Ewals build an interactive learning environment that is also available on mobile.

Online training, tracking and

Training Response Network

The American police have a lot of young and new employees. These must be continuously tested and trained in order to be able to act safely and adequately in daily practice. An online platform has been offering the solution for years.

Multilingual learning platform for more interactive training

AeroTraining BVBA

AeroTraining provides training and education for infrared and thermal cameras used by police and military. Future Learning provides an online learning environment in the look & feel of Aerotraining and supports with the conversion of the learning materials.

Learning electronic reporting through

Visveiling Urk

Future Learning provides Visveiling Urk with a learning environment for education and training on electronic logbooks for the fishing industry. This is done with online modules that can also be followed on board.

All drivers the same modules in their own language

Van den Bosch Transporten

Van den Bosch transport and logistics has been using e-learning for many years to train employees including drivers. The regulations within this sector are increasing sharply, which means that the training need is high.