Open source learning- and content management system




Some facts about ILIAS:

ILIAS is an abbreviation and means:

Integrierte Lern-, Informations- Arbeitskooperations System.
In other words, an integrated learning, information and collaboration system. It has been developed in Germany since 1997, initially at the University of Cologne, from a need to improve education. Many universities in Germany now use ILIAS just like companies and other organizations.

Premium partner of ILIAS

Future Learning BV has been Premium Partner of ILIAS since 2013. We take care of the installation and management for companies and institutions in various industries. We do this worldwide, but with a focus on the Benelux. Do you want to know more about these companies? Read our Customer stories .

ILIAS can be customized in a very user-friendly way. Both at the organizational level – house style, rights management, collaboration (use of wikis and forums) – and at student level …”

Learning Innovation Manager, Ewals Cargo Care

Read more

Dowloads and links:

Do you work as a Dutch-speaking person with ILIAS and do you want to know more about the Dutch ILIAS community?
Want to try something in ILIAS? Create an account for free in our ILIAS exercise environment. You are easily guided along the various functionalities and can try it yourself.
View all the functionalities that are in ILIAS with a brief explanation of what it can and does.
Employed in the education sector? Then view the ILIAS Education brochure.
Working in the business branch? Then view the ILIAS Business brochure.

Dowloads and links:

Do you work as a Dutch-speaking person with ILIAS and do you want to know more about the Dutch ILIAS community?
Want to try something in ILIAS? Create an account for free in our ILIAS exercise environment. You are easily guided along the various functionalities and can try it yourself.
View all the functionalities that are in ILIAS with a brief explanation of what it can and does.
Employed in the education sector? Then view the ILIAS Education brochure.
Working in the business branch? Then view the ILIAS Business brochure.

Below, some screen examples of ILIAS learning environments.

Are you interested?


Do these possibilities match your company’s wishes and would you like to know more about them? Click below.
In consultation with you we will map the desired situation of your company and we will see what we can do for you.
All of course without any obligation. Or just give us a call.