ATS Applied Tech Systems
Powerful blended learning platform
ATS Applied Tech Systems provides products and services for the directing, executive and informational layer within industrial information technology and process automation. Since 1986, they have developed business activities to support the life cycle of automation and IT.
The question
ATS Applied Tech Systems believes in blended learning solutions and wanted to organize a powerful learning environment for its customers. ILIAS seemed to them a good learning platform in which this could be realized. The high reliability and quality of the software appealed to them.
Future Learning was asked to think about the possibilities of ILIAS for ATS Applied Tech Systems. And the question was also what Future Learning could do in the field of Managed Services.
The solution
ILIAS has thoughtful didactic templates that fit the needs of ATS Training. For example, the template of the ‘Learning Objectives-Driven Course’ in ILIAS makes the structure of learning objectives very insightful. It also offers the possibility to test the learning objectives in multiple ways. This is very important in the training courses of ATS Applied Tech Systems.
Furthermore, Future Learning has provided:
- The set up and design of an ILIAS environment
- Hosting the ILIAS environment
- All-round training of the management and use of ILIAS
ATS Applied Tech Systems has a smooth-running environment learning platform with their desired customization for blended learning. Future Learning provides the hosting and adequate technical support with Managed Services. With a functional support contract practical and innovative support is being given on-demand.

ATS training believes in blended learning solutions. ILIAS has well thought-out didactic concepts that fit our needs, for example the Learning Objective view. This view brings powerful didactic flexibility.”
Read the customer’s own story here