H5P within ILIAS
Quick start with the development of interactive e-learning contentEasily create drag & drop exercises, videos with in-between questions and personality tests.
The 19 content types are divided into the following categories: Games, Multimedia, Questions, Social media.
- An introduction to H5P including the background and philosophy of this development by an H5P expert who is an active member of the H5P Open Source Community and the ILIAS Open Source Community
- Demonstration of what is possible with H5P based on the most important content types
- Development of own exercises with own content

For whom?
Are you a course developer or teacher and do you want to quickly present beautiful content that is interactive and can quickly adapt? With H5P this is possible in a simple way.
Send us your contact details without obligation and we will contact you to schedule an appointment!
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Are you interested?
Do these possibilities match your company’s wishes and would you like to know more about them? Click below.
In consultation with you we will map the desired situation of your company and we will see what we can do for you.
All of course without any obligation. Or just give us a call.